Looking back, I always doubted myself. 

Will I ever be good enough? 

Will I ever fit in?

Will I ever stand out? 

Will people like me for ME?

I was born into a Jehovah’s Witness family. A religious cult. I was third generation so the conditioning ran deep.

It was an environment that was incredibly disempowering to women. I was told what to wear and how to act. To be subservient to men. I wasn’t allowed to have an opinion that went against the teachings of Jehovah and the male elders who basically ran the show.

I felt different and other people could sense that, including my parents who loved me but were very strict. I felt like I was being tamed. Free spirits were not tolerated. The elders liked you nice and small…..dumb…..manageable. 

There was no TV, we went to church 3 times a week, studied the bible every night and went on door to door ministry to try and convert people into “the truth”. My dad chose my subjects at school which included cookery, needlework and childcare to prepare me for my future as a wife and mother. 

Many things about being a JW didn’t make sense to me but I was told not to question the teachings.

During my teenage years I began to challenge this more and more. When I reached 14, the typical age for JWs to become official members of the organisation, I refused to be baptised because I didn’t believe in it (my value of integrity was strong even then). My parents were very disappointed. Aged 15 I was sick of people yelling “bible bashers” at us in the street and having doors slammed in our face so I refused to do any more ministry work.

Aged 16, I was dreading marrying another JW and living a life that felt like a prison sentence so I faced a life-altering decision. To remain disempowered within the cult or embark on a path to freedom, cutting ties with my friends and family.

I chose freedom, a value that has guided every decision I've made since.

I travelled the world first as a Nanny and then as a Holiday Rep. I had a truly fabulous life and the most amazing experiences but I still lacked confidence and doubted myself. 

I returned back to the UK aged 31 and built a successful corporate career. I climbed the ladder, managing big teams and big projects.

I coached and mentored senior leaders, spoke on big stages, led teams through change and crisis and continued to travel the world. I even got my Business Degree.

I mentored many people in that organisation, who weren’t being seen and recognised, to be more confident, self assured and visible. So they could get the promotion that they’d wanted for so long. I realised I had a natural gift for helping people to step into their authentic and visible leadership magic.

But my cycle of self doubt continued.

I started to show up in a different way, in order to be recognised and promoted. To be the leader they wanted me to be. I didn’t trust myself and was giving my power away to other people.

It was a great company to work for but I had multiple burnouts and several trips to A&E with a heart rate of 220, which eventually gave me the wake up call that I needed to leave.

I manifested and negotiated a payout, re-trained as a Personal Stylist at The London College of Fashion and started my business in 2016.

Three years into my business I still hadn’t created the success I desired. I wanted to help so many women but I wasn’t being seen or recognised. I had clients here and there but there was no consistent income. I felt like I wasn’t being taken seriously. 

By this point, I’d invested over $60k in coaching programmes and masterminds that taught a cookie cutter approach to promotion and marketing that I didn’t feel aligned to.

I was living off my savings and I’d even sold my beloved car to pay for coaching.

I felt disconnected. Stuck. Invisible. Worried about being judged and rejected. Caught up in the comparison game and feeling inadequate. 

Playing small. Hustling to prove myself. 

Again, the cycle of self-doubt continued. It was like all my childhood trauma was showing up in my business.

Then I discovered Human Design.

My biggest breakthrough was when I learnt that as a Human Design Projector, my gifts are recognised and valued when I’m invited into things. 

And I started to truly see myself for the first time. To understand the simplicity of my potency, purpose and bigger vision. I realised the trauma of hiding my authentic self had led to confusion about who I really was, and that was feeding my self-doubt.

I was imitating the women who had created the success that I craved. I was jealous of them and competing with them which affected my self-worth and created more chaos, confusion and self-doubt. I was living in my deep conditioning. And I was addicted to the drama. 

Human Design showed me that my 'messy imperfections' and vulnerabilities made me unique and exceptionally qualified to fulfil my purpose....to guide and empower others.

I discovered more incredible tools that empowered me to strengthen my identity, highly value myself and massively uplevel to a higher vibration. 

EFT helped me let go of the fear, anxiety and complexity that was holding me back and break the cycle of self-doubt. It helped me to heal my witch wounds, to trust myself and my innate gifts and stop giving my power away to other people.

Kundalini Yoga helped me to connect into my mystical inner radiance and creative empowerment. It brought me back to equilibrium, harmony and cosmic collaboration. 

My energy shifted. I became a magnet to my ideal clients. Not only was I attracting wonderful women who wanted to hire me as their mentor, I was also being invited to speak, collaborate and share my knowledge in a way that completely lit me up. I started to appreciate my own worth instead of hanging my hat on the opinions of others. 

It was life changing. I fell in love with myself. I healed myself.

Now as a Human Design Visibility Mentor I empower women to be ICONIC*

My Illuminate Method™ Empowers Entrepreneurs, Founders and other Creative Change-makers to embody their Unique Human Design, break the cycle of self-doubt, amplify their mystical inner radiance and step into visible, iconic and high vibrational Aquarian Age leadership.

I still travel the world, working with private clients in person and virtually, as well as hosting workshops, online events and global retreats in beautiful spaces. 

I’m a sought after speaker on global stages, podcasts & radio shows and I also dip my toe back into corporate, delivering transformative leadership experiences to organisations who recognise that the development of their leaders requires a tailored and holistic approach.

As part of the collective mission to raise the vibration of the planet, I’m here to help more women step into empowered, visible and authentic leadership.

This is why I support Lend With Care, a charity that helps entrepreneurial women in low-income countries to feel more empowered and lead themselves out of poverty and I’ve also been a Mentor in the Santander Breakthrough Women Business Leaders’ Mentoring Programme, an initiative to help female founders scale their business to 7 figures.

It’s interesting that, as a Human Design Projector, I chose to be born into a religious cult that made me question my identity. That my hero’s journey was to learn to elevate my self worth and show up unapologetically as an empowered and authentic leader.

That trying to be someone else is not sustainable. 

And how courageous and authentic visibility creates true freedom as you attract the most incredible opportunities to you.

If we’re not feeling good about ourselves, if we don’t truly accept, value and love ourselves, how on earth are we going to go out there and be visible leaders, magnetise high value clients and fulfil our deepest purpose?

I’m so excited to share this powerful and deep work with you and show you that being more visible can be a really delicious experience. 

* Iconic ~ a person who is widely admired especially for having great influence or significance in a particular sphere.


I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your own visibility journey.


 Ways to Work With Abigail Rebecca