I'm Hiding Because I Don't Like How I Look. What's Your Excuse?

When I lose some weight and look better in photos then I'll get visible.

When I bleach my teeth and hide my grey then I'll get visible.

When my website looks more professional then I'll get visible.

I sent an email to my list to ask about the excuses that are holding them back from being more visible.

These are just some of the responses. There are many more!

So what's your excuse?

If you hold back from being more visible and authentic because you’re worried about being judged and criticised....

....Or if you don’t feel confident about your expertise, who you are or even what you look like, so being the centre of attention and the whole “putting yourself out there’ part of your business is very uncomfortable, then you're not alone.

There are many reasons, stories and beliefs that hold us back from being highly visible but ask yourself this question:

Do I want to continue to hide, dim my light and be affected by others' opinions or do I want to stand tall, be visible and fully expressed so that others can hear my message?

Because no one is going to discover you if you’re hiding.

Did you know that 60% of your success is driven by your visibility?

You can be really gifted in your work and have a great image, but if only a handful of people know about you, then you’ll always be the best kept secret in your field.

The key to joyful and abundant business success is to show up authentically as YOU and feel confident in yourself and your abilities. You attract the energy of YOURSELF.

The following video will help you if you resonate with this.


Are You Hiding in Plain Sight?


How to Attract Soul Clients Without Spending Loads of Money on Marketing