Unlock Your Inner Power and Attract Your Ideal Clients, Allies And Aligned Opportunities!

As the Buck Full Moon illuminates the sky, it brings a powerful message of alignment, transformation, and personal power. This celestial event is your perfect opportunity to embrace your inner wisdom, seek out signs and synchronicities, and step into your true potential.

And just as the Buck Full Moon passes, we enter the vibrant, passionate, and magnetic Leo season. Leo, the lion, thrives in the spotlight, exuding confidence and creativity. This is your time to shine!

Welcome to Leo's Roar: Step into the Spotlight with Human Design

Event Date: Monday 22nd July 2024 (The day following the Buck Full Moon, the eve of Leo Season)
Time: 1PM - 3PM ET (New York) | 6PM - 8PM BST (London)
Location: Online (Link provided upon registration)

Investment $111 ~ Price Increases to $222 on July 17th

Human Design is a super self illuminating Aquarian Age system that uncovers the inherent value and capabilities that already exists within you. It gives insights into how your energy interacts with the world, your most effective leadership style, and strategies for building better relationships and divine cosmic collaboration.

It's an incredible tool to help you to break the cycle of self-doubt, by identifying and dismantling the limiting beliefs that block your visibility, self-expression, creative empowerment and next-level success, so you can step into visible and ICONIC Aquarian Age leadership.

As you align with this higher vibrational frequency, you truly know yourself, your gifts, your strengths and you stop trying to prove yourself. This becomes a powerful magnet to ideal clients, allies, partnerships and other opportunities that set your business and life on fire.

In this transformative 2-hour online event, you will:

Discover the transformative power of your unique Human Design energy type. I’ll give you valuable insights into how your type shapes your interactions, opportunities and leadership potential.

Step into visible, iconic and high vibrational Aquarian Age leadership: I’ll share practical tools and techniques to amplify your visibility. Learn how to attract the right opportunities and showcase your unique strengths effectively.

Align with Your Authenticity: You’ll learn how to effortlessly attract ideal clients, valuable alliances and collaborative relationships by amplifying your energy type’s innate strengths and natural abilities.

Cleanse your magnetic aura: I’ll guide you through a high vibrational healing that will empower you to release the resistance showing up and being visible and will radiate your magnetic presence.

I look forward to sharing this beautiful space with you.


Abigail Rebecca empowers women to be ICONIC. She’s a Human Design Visibility Mentor, Cosmic Alchemist, Aquarian Age Leader, Stylist and International Speaker, with over 28 years experience of mentoring thousands of leaders in Fortune 500 companies and in her own successful business, which she founded in 2016. She’s worked with global organisations such as TUI, Disney, Royal Caribbean, Santander, Ra Ma Institute and Soho House. 

As part of the collective mission to raise the vibration of the planet, her Illuminate Method™ empowers you to embody your Unique Human Design, break the cycle of self-doubt, amplify your mystical inner radiance and step into visible, iconic and high vibrational Aquarian Age leadership. Every person has a unique key that opens them to higher states of consciousness and this work holds the key to unlock yours.

In this sacred space, you uncover the gold hidden within, so you can appreciate your own value and tap into the higher frequencies of freedom, love and prosperity.